Not Your Mama Podcast
Welcome to the Not Your Mama podcast! I am Kelly Bryant, and I am THE prenatal & postnatal trainer who GUARANTEES results in less time per day than your partner spends on the toilet. I help new parents fix their abs, heal prolapse, stop peeing their pants, and get pain-free. Here on the Not Your Mama podcast, we are embracing the fact that your are so. much. more. than just a parent. We're here to reclaim your body AND your identity after having a kid — whether you're pregnant now or decades postpartum.
Podcasting since 2020 • 79 episodes
Not Your Mama Podcast
Latest Episodes
Ep. 79: Routines that run my world
Over the past several months, as I’ve been recovering from my broken elbow, one thing that has really helped me out of any funks or potential funks in my day-to-day has been the idea of routine. I have built certain parts of my day around non-n...
Season 1
Episode 79
Ep. 78: Why Am I Not Seeing Results?
One of the most common questions I get, especially early on with clients, is “why am I not seeing results?” and today we’re going to dive into a couple of reasons:Have you given yourself enough time? Change doesn’t happen overnight<...
Season 1
Episode 78
Ep. 77: The road to your goals is paved with mediocre workouts
I’ve got a quick hit episode for you today to talk about one of the most common pieces of advice I give my clients. We all have days where we just don’t feel like hitting the gym, or where we push a workout back because we think we can do bette...
Season 1
Episode 77
Ep. 76: 5 Most Common Mistakes When Healing from Pelvic Organ Prolapse
This week we’re taking a break from FAQs and diving into a subject that can feel overwhelming and discouraging for many folks postpartum and well beyond. That’s pelvic organ prolapse. This is a condition that can be caused by a number of differ...
Season 1
Episode 76
Ep. 75 How To Create A Calorie Deficit (If You’re Into That Sort of Thing)
We’re back with another FAQ from my clients. It’s pretty common in fitness for people looking for specific physique or weight changes to try and achieve a calorie deficit. So, this week, we’re diving into exactly what that means. We’re covering...
Season 1
Episode 75